
Account issues

Quickly troubleshoot common account issues like forgotten passwords

IMPORTANT (05/01/2024): If you originally created an account for Hopps v1, you will have to register a new account. Learn more about migrating here.

Forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password and are unable to login, please click the "Forgot password" button on the login page to initiate a password reset. You will be sent a verification code to your associated email that can be used to create a new password.

Sign in with Google users

We cannot help reset or change passwords for users who have signed in with Google. In the event that you created your original profile using Google, you will have to use that profile to log into the platform again.

Combining Google accounts with password / email

If you create an account with email / password and later use "Sign in with Google" with the same email, the platform will automatically combine both accounts.

The reverse is not possible; e.g. a user who signed up with Google cannot use email / password to log in.

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