
Hopps for clients

Hopps connects you to vetted experts who can get you unstuck in minutes by helping with tools and skills needed in the modern workplace

Depending on your needs, you can work with an expert in two ways:

Live 1:1 help sessions

Live 1:1 help sessions feature an expert who can work with you tactically or strategically in real-time. For tactical problems, share your screen and collaborate together on the problem. For strategic problems, describe, plan and audit solutions for workplace topics.

Examples of live help requests

Although you can request live help for almost anything at all, here are a few common use cases:

  • Learning how to setup, navigate and configure work tools
  • Debugging a website or no-code project
  • Reviewing and auditing marketing campaigns / setup
  • Building strategy around workplace skills and departments

Tasks / offline work

Tasks are requests for offline work that experts can perform for you without the need for you to be there live. These can be one-time or recurring.

Examples of offline tasks

Although you can request an offline tasks for almost anything at all, here are a few common use cases:

  • Building pages and configuring plugins for websites
  • Creating marketing material, plans and audits
  • Setting up advanced work infrastructure
  • Writing, editing and organizing articles and documentation

Why Hopps?

Among the many reasons our customers use us:

  • Flexible, affordable billing with no subscriptions
  • The ability to connect and work with qualified experts without needing to search, browse or qualify expertise
  • Instantaneous help for many topics
  • The availability of leading industry experts specializing in providing the exact help you need

Hopps’ experts solve your problems in record time, saving you hours of frustration so you can get back to focusing on what you do best.

What we can't help with

Hopps experts are unable to assist with account-related issues like:

  • Hacked, suspended or disabled accounts
  • Billing issues related to a tool or platform
  • Password / authentication problems

For anything account related, please work with the support team of your platform / tool directly.

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