Setup your expert profile

Introduce yourself to your clients by adding information about your background, experiences and skills

Getting started

Your expert profile is the gateway to clients learning about you. While none of the information is required, experts with complete profiles receive the most recurring and new clients. To get started, click here and navigate through the various tabs to fill in relevant information.

Skills, certifications and industries

For each of these profile items, you can either select from pre-existing lists or create your own. We highly recommend searching through existing options throughly before choosing to create a new item.

When you create a new skill, certification or industry, other users can add that item to their profile as well, although you are the only one who can edit the title or description.

Usage of profile information

Information added to your profile is used solely for the purpose of developing your profile, matching you to sessions and and building your online presence. Please avoid using your full name or any other identifying material if you do not wish for others to be able to find you off the platform.


Information added to your profile is used to index your public profile as well as matching you to incoming requests. Everytime you update your profile, please allow up to 24 hours for the changes to reflect in matching and online indexes / directories.

Inaccuracies or falsifying information

In the event that any part of your profile is found to have been falsified, Hopps reserves the right to terminate your profile, issue refunds to clients, and/or file any legal complaints as required by law.