Getting started

Registering for Hopps

Begin your expert journey by first registering a client profile

Every account on Hopps starts with a client profile, which can be registered for free. You can use this profile to get help as a client on the platform.

One account, many possibilities

Your Hopps account can be used to both give and receive help: as a client, you can join multiple teams, and you can help others via your Freelancer Pro profile.

Selecting a username

The username you select will serve two purposes: to log you into the platform and to serve as the path to your expert profile. For example, a user with the username jason will find their expert profile on Hopps at

Your username will also be used to index your public profile with search engines.

Sign in with Google

For users signing in with Google, we will generate a random username that can be easily changed by visting account settings.
