
Task proposal form

A task proposal consists of the cost, payment frequency and what will be done

The proposal form can be found under each eligible task's proposal tab.

Your offer

Your offer is your proposed cost of completing the task. This offer is made in USD and consists of a flat dollar amount.

Payment frequency

This option lets the customer know whether billing for this task will occur on a one-time or recurring basis.

Recurring tasks

Recurring tasks operate on a monthly and yearly frequency. Learn more about recurring tasks and payouts here.

Due date

If a task is a one-time only task, it requires a due date by which the task needs to be completed by. Due dates can be set for 8 weeks from the time of the proposal submission.

Offer expiration

The offer expiration date is a date and time set by you on when the proposal offer expires. Clients will be unable to accept a proposal after a due date, although you can always update the due date to a new future date.

What will be done

One of the most important fields, this is where you can lay out your proposal plan and details. We highly suggest typing out the details in a Google Doc that can be shared with the client. This allows both sides to collaborate on the plan details together.

Share details in a Google Doc

We strongly suggest developing the plan in a shareable Google Doc. This allows both sides to collaborate, edit, and comment on the plan details together.

Things needed

This field details any attachments, files, access, passwords, or administrative privileges needed from the client to complete the task successfully.

What is a task proposal?