Tasks / offline work

Reviewing task proposals

After submitting a request, review proposals from experts on finishing your task request

A task proposal can be submitted for any task that is open to Accepting proposals.

You can review submitted proposals by navigating to the tasks page, selecting the task request, and clicking on the "Proposals" tab. If this tab does not appear, it means that you have not yet received a proposal.

Understanding and reviewing a proposal

To avoid any confusion and to manage expectations, please take time to review proposals, message experts and get clairifications on any sent proposal.

Submitted by

This is the expert who has submitted the proposal and will be completing the work you asked for.

Experts can be messaged by clicking on their picture or name.


This is the amount that the expert will charge to finish your task as outlined in your request. If it is a one-time task, the cost will appear as a one-time cost. If the offer is for a recurring task, it will show the recurring time period.

Due date

If the proposal is not for a recurring task, the expert will propose a due date by which the task needs to be completed by. Due dates can be set for 8 weeks from the time of the proposal submission.

Offer expires

The expert has to note a time and date within which they need a response from you. If you do not take action on the proposal or task by that expiration date, the proposal will expire and you will need to contact the expert.

Action plan

The action plan dictates how exactly the expert plans on finishing the work needed. Feel free to message the expert to ask for any clarifications or alterations to their action plan.

Items needed

These include logins, documents or access that the expert has determined they need to complete the task fully. Feel free to message the expert and ask for any clarifications or alterations to the items they have asked for.

Requesting offline work