Tasks / offline work

Introduction to tasks and offline work

A task is any work done by an expert offline for you or your team

Tasks are ideal to get work done that does not require a live session. Great task requests are for work that can be finished in less than 2 weeks and ideally within 72 hours.


Successfully having work done offline consists of just 4 easy steps:

  1. Submitting a task request
  2. Reviewing incoming proposals
  3. Accepting a proposal and confirming payment
  4. Reviewing submitted work

Step 1: Submitting a task request

Submitting a task request allows you to specify what exactly needs to be done and for what topic. Learn more about requesting a task here.

Step 2: Reviewing incoming proposals

If a task request is sent to a Hopps Help topic, you will receive many incoming proposals from interested experts who have reviewed your request. If it is sent to experts of your own choice, you will only receive proposals from those experts.

Learn more about reviewing incoming proposals here.

Step 3: Accepting a proposal

After reviewing a number of proposals, accept one of them to get work started. Learn more about accepting a proposal here.

Step 4: Reviewing submitted work

Your expert will submit work for you to review by the due date specified in their original proposal. You will have the option to accept the delivered work or ask for changes. Learn more about reviewing submitted work here.
