Tasks / offline work

Recurring tasks

Recurring tasks work like a subscription, and need only one approval to bill monthly / yearly for ongoing work

A recurring task is created by accepting a task proposal that has a payment frequency of monthly or yearly. The cost per month is stated as part of the proposal.

Examples of recurring tasks

Recurring tasks are useful when you need ongoing assistance or support from an expert. Although a recurring task can be used for any use case, common use cases include:

  • Expert retainer fees
  • Ongoing services like hosting, upkeep and maintenance
  • Hiring an expert for ongoing marketing services (e.g. social media / ads management, audits, etc)
  • Support subscriptions

Task submissions

A recurring task does not require a task submission at any point of time. All ongoing materials that are being managed or completed will be sent as attachments in a messaging conversation with the expert.

Ending a recurring task

You can choose to cancel or end a recurring task at any point of time by navigating to the task page and clicking "End ongoing task". This will ensure that you are not rebilled during the next billing cycle.


Payments made as part of a recurring task can be seen in the "Payments" tab of your task
