Live 1:1 help sessions

Introduction to help sessions

A help session is a live 1:1 screenshare session between a client and an expert

Use these sessions to work tactically or strategically with an expert in real-time by sharing your screen and collaborating together on solving your problem

Types of help sessions

There are two types of sessions: instant and scheduled. Your client account can take sessions for both types.


Help sessions are priced by the minute with no minimum spend required. Each topic has its own per minute price, which can be found by visiting the topic page. Per minute pricing will also be shown when you pick a topic while filling out the session request form.

Technical requirements

Help sessions occur in the browser without the need to download any other software or plugins.

Audio / video

Although video is not required for sessions, it often is a great way to get to know your expert on a more personal level. We strongly encourage:

  • Having a good webcam and microphone setup
  • Taking sessions in quiet, clean locations

Browser permissions

Before starting a session on Hopps, you will be asked to enable browser access to your camera and microphone. If you are unable to successfully enable either of the devices, you may be unable to request sessions on Hopps.

To troubleshoot browser permission errors, please visit our troubleshooting documentation.

Understanding help topics